- A pupil will be eligible to appear in the session ending examination if he/she has completed 75% attendance.
- Leave to a student for absence can be granted only on an application to The Principal, through his/her Class Teacher, submitted in time (definitely the same day, rarely the next day) duly attested by the Parent/Guardian.
- In case of illness, medical certificate must be attached with the application. Long absence except in case of illness should be discouraged.
- The name of the student will be struck-off the rolls of the school if he/she is absent for more than a week continuous without sanctioned leave.
- Before leave inform and give the application.
- Fee of your ward will be charged monthly.
- Fee of you ward should be paid in advance latest by 15th of every month.
- Fee can also be paid with Late Payment of Rs.10/- on the last working day of the month. There after the name of the student will be struck-off the rolls of school. Readmission can be taken by payment of Rs.50/- with the approval of The Principal.
- If a child is withdrawn in mid-session six month's fees will be charged.